All Blog Posts — Sweet

Pear & Cinnamon Muffins

Pear & Cinnamon Muffins

A good muffin with a cuppa is a lovely way to enjoy morning or afternoon tea. It's also a great snack for the kids. This recipe for Phillippa's Pear & Cinnamon Muffins makes 18 - plenty to go around! Ingredients 260g self raising flour 275g caster sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 125ml grape seed or peanut oil 250ml buttermilk 2 eggs 2 pears, peeled, cored, quartered and each thinly sliced into 9 For the topping: 1 teaspoon ground Dutch cinnamon 1 tablespoon caster sugar Method Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan. Line 2 muffin trays with 18 double patty pans. Place all...

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Raspberry Coconut Cake

Raspberry Coconut Cake

Phillippa's Raspberry Coconut Cake is one of the easiest cakes to bake.  Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, place in a cake tin and bake! Ingredients  135g coconut 375ml milk 200g raspberries, fresh or frozen 300g sugar 225g self-raising flour Method Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan. Grease and line a 21cm x 11cm loaf tin. Mix all ingredients together and pour into the tin. Bake for 1¼ hours or until a skewer inserted in the centre come out clean. Remove and allow to rest in the tin for five minutes and then turn out on a wire rack and...

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Butterscotch Oat Log

Butterscotch Oat Log

For lovers of Chocolate Ripple Log Cakes, you'll want to try this Butterscotch Oat Log! Add a splash of whisky for the adults or let the kids enjoy it without. Either way, it's easy and fun to make, and will leave you wanting more! Ingredients  1 x 200g packet Phillippa's ANZAC biscuits 300ml pure cream ½ cup orange juice Whisky optional 30g chocolate - grated Method Whip cream until thick, flavour with a little whisky if inclined. Dip biscuits briefly into orange juice. Sandwich biscuits with the cream and form into a log shape. Cover the log with cream and...

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Grandad's Pikelets

Grandad's Pikelets

This recipe is a treasured inheritance, as Grandad’s pikelets were simply the best. He insisted that the eggs had to be at room temperature and they must be beaten with the sugar to form a creamy, mousse-like mixture. His favourite way to serve hot pikelets was with butter and strawberry jam. We sometimes make a double batch on rainy Sunday afternoons and enjoy them covered in butter and a dusting of icing sugar. The rest we pack into lunchboxes on Monday. Ingredients (makes 20-24) 150g plain flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg 60g caster sugar 180ml milk 30g butter, melted and slightly cooled butter, extra,...

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